About us
Kigali Multiservice cooperative is one of the leading companies in the service industry. Found by employees and former employees of BRALIRWA Ltd in 2009 with the purpose of creating employment and improving their economy.
- To create awareness about welfare of cooperative members.
- To provide strategies and means to achieve high standard welfare of our members.
Brief history
KMC has a legal personality, No. RCA/ 0734/2009 of 27 April 2009, issued by the Rwanda Cooperative Agency (RCA). It is headquartered in Kigali City, KICUKIRO District; and it operates over the whole territory of the Republic of Rwanda.
Current activities
Since 2009, KM Cooperative performs different the services in BRALIRWA Ltd at KICUKIRO.
- From September 2009 up today, KMC is managing the BRALIRWA LTD canteen at KICUKIRO ( KIGALI-RWANDA)
- From June 2011, KMC is offering cleaning services at the same site of KICUKIRO (KIGALI-RWANDA)
- The third service we are rendering is full time staff transport, and other institution need that transport and this year we are planning to expand its in different sector of transport live VIP transport like weeding and other VIP events.
The total number of our current staff is 58: 3 are affected in the management, 3 others are team leaders, 10 drivers while others are man power used in different services.
As the word “Multiservice” means, KM Cooperative can engage in other diverse services that will enable it to achieve its objective in its core business. Our cooperative, like many others, fulfills the conditions regarding its organization and provides a comprehensive technical and administrative chart.
On the financial side, our cooperative maintains good relations with the financial institutions of the place, which enable us to carry out all the entrusted contracts. For any other information you would like to have on our Cooperative, kindly contact us.